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Once a human tester finds a bug, it should be the last time a human tester finds that bug. Automatic tests should check for it from then on.
Andrew Hunt and David Thomas The Pragmatic Programmer
Random testing is neat, and sometimes uncovers interesting cases that you may not have tried. But to be sure you are covering specific cases, you need to specify them somehow. The list example at the end of the overview is one way, but another is reading them from a file. QCheck provides a small API for using files within a directory or lines within a text file as test cases.
The following functions generate file and directory names as test cases. This is useful, for example, for regression tests of a compiler – just keep a directory of source files to be compiled. The directory stream should be read all the way to the end, or else the directory handle will not be properly closed. (The check function does this automatically.)
type dirstream val openDir : string → dirstream val nextFile : (string, dirstream) reader |
Here is an example of how to run tests on filenames in a directory:
check (Files.nextFile, pretty_printer) (test_name, test_predicate) (Files.openDir directory_path) |
The following functions produce lines of text from a file as test cases. The produced strings include newlines, but see below for how to filter them.
type filestream val openFile : string → filestream val nextLine : (string, filestream) reader |
Here are some simple utilities for readers. The types should be
self-explanatory. The chop
function removes newlines from the
ends of string readers (such as nextLine
val map : ('a → 'b) → ('a,'c) reader → ('b,'c) reader val filter : ('a → bool) → ('a,'b) reader → ('a,'b) reader val chop : (string,'a) reader → (string,'a) reader |
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