Ah, the League family tree. One of my father's hobbies is genealogical research. Sometime back I posted about how I am a descendant of King William I, via my mother's side of the family. Of course, that and $4 will get you a cup of coffee, as they say.
Anyway, the crimes of royals are well-documented, but my father's side of the family is more… shall we say… colorful? He spent an industrious day at the Maryland state archives last week, browsing police records from South Baltimore during the years 1867–1902. In only 4 hours of research, and looking at a relatively narrow time period and geographical bounds, here's what they found. Everything below is quoted from my father, so when he says ‘grandfather’, add a ‘great-’ to get relations relative to me.
- Edward League Nov 27, 1895 7:18 PM Disorderly conduct. Fined $1.00.
(I am not sure who this was. I have no record of him in my database. He could be in my database under a different given name. However, I suspect that he is related to us, because he was a League from South Baltimore and every other League I have ever found in South Baltimore is related to us).
- John League (age 33) August 30, 1895 5:15 PM Assaulting with the intent to commit rape on Lizzie Kreamer age 8 years. Released to court.
(This was my Grandfather League’s cousin).
- August Geisler (age 23) Jan 26, 1893 9:34 PM Disturbing public worship. Fined $10.00 and court costs. Committed. Released the next day. In other words, he slept it off in the tanker.
(This was my Grandmother League’s uncle).
- George Geisler (age 19) Oct 24, 1893 being on B&O cars without authorization. Fined $0.50, plus court costs of $1.70.
(This was my Grandmother League’s uncle).
- Thomas League (age 19) Sept 21, 1895 12:40 AM Disorderly conduct.
(This was my Grandfather League’s older brother).
- Thomas League (age 33) Sept 25, 1881 Disturbing the peace, using loud and profane language on the streets. Committed and afterwards released on bail to keep the peace and pay costs of $1.95.
(This was my Great Grandfather)
- George (age 43) & Annie (age 17) Geisler, July 28, 1881. Assaulting and beating Elizabeth Faulk. Each released for court.
(This was, most-likely, my Grandmother League’s Grandfather and Aunt. It could have been her Uncle George instead of her Grandfather, but Uncle George was only 7-8 years old at the time, so I suspect it was his father, George).
- John J. League (age 51 ) May 28/29, 1887 Larceny of three ducks valued at $0.45. Property of Jos Grimm of 611 Light Street. Committed for court. Note: John lived at 317 Light Street. So, after he took the ducks, he didn’t have to walk too far to get home.)
(This was my Grandfather League’s Uncle).
- George H. League (age 23) June 22/23. 1887 Selling a hired wagon, valued at $40.00 with intent to defraud the owner, William Robinson. Committed for court.
(This guy was a very distant relative. Thank goodness, I would not want his actions to besmirch our good name.)
- William League (age 22) Jul 14, 1887 4:00 PM hauling offensive matter through the streets in an open cart. Released for hearing.
(This was my Grandfather League’s cousin)
- James League (age 27) Jul 1887 Disturbing the public peace. Fined $1.00 and released.
(I think this guy was only a distant relative).
- Louis H. Bennett (age 39) Nov 12, 1902 Disturbing the peace at 308 S. Hamburg Street. Complainant John J. League. Charges dismissed.
(Louis Bennett and John J. League were brothers-in-law. Louis was married to John’s sister Catherine. Both of these guys were my Grandfather League’s uncles. By the way, they lived together with their families at this address).
- Thomas League (age 17) Oct 6, 1893 1:27 AM Burglariously entering the store of Samuel Gross at 316 Light Street with the intent to steal. Committed for court. On Oct 17th, he was sentence to 60 days in the house of corrections.
(This was my Grandfather League’s older brother. By the way, at the time of the attempted robbery, he lived at 317 Light Street, which was right across the street from the store he tried to rob.)
- Walter Bennett (age 15) Dec 6, 1893 being on B&O cars without authorization, committed to 30 days in the house of corrections.
(This was my Grandfather League’s cousin).